
Curious & Inspiring

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Session registration open!

The fall schedule continues without disruption, same space and same classes.  To register for the 7 weeks, email before session starts and that guarantees your spot.  Any class space left over will be made available for drop-in or class-passes in the booking calendar.

Breath Awareness

Breath Awareness

Central to yoga practice is the cultivation of conscious breathing. Pranayama, or breath control, is a key element that connects the body and mind. Focusing on the breath not only enhances oxygenation of the body but also promotes mental clarity and presence. Learning various breathing techniques allows practitioners to harness the power of breath to calm the nervous system, reduce stress, and deepen their yoga experience.
Mindful Movement

Mindful Movement

The practice of physical postures, or asanas, is a fundamental element of yoga. Each pose is an opportunity to explore the body's range of motion, build strength, and improve flexibility. Mindful movement involves paying attention to the sensations, alignment, and breath while transitioning between poses. Through asana practice, practitioners not only enhance their physical well-being but also cultivate a heightened awareness of the mind-body connection.
Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation and Mindfulness

Yoga extends beyond the physical postures to include meditation and mindfulness practices. These elements foster a deep sense of inner stillness and mental clarity. Meditation allows practitioners to observe thoughts without attachment, promoting a calm and focused mind. Mindfulness, both on and off the mat, encourages present-moment awareness, helping individuals carry the benefits of their practice into daily life.
Cultivation of Inner Awareness

Cultivation of Inner Awareness

Self-study, or Svadhyaya, is a vital element in yoga practice. It involves introspection, self-reflection, and the exploration of one's inner landscape. Through practices such as journaling, contemplation, and self-inquiry, practitioners gain insights into their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Svadhyaya encourages personal growth, self-awareness, and a deeper understanding of the connection between the self and the world, facilitating a transformative journey on and off the yoga mat.
